Reading and reflection: a hermeneutical strategy for literary interpretation
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Hermeneutic sense

How to Cite

Aguirre Garza, R. D. (2023). Reading and reflection: a hermeneutical strategy for literary interpretation. Humanitas. Revista De Teoría, Crítica Y Estudios Literarios, 2(4), 65–89.


This article proposes the explanation of a possible hermeneutic strategy for the interpretation of literary texts, understanding the documents as wholes, which can contain the four hermeneutical meanings proposed by the scholastics and named by Dante Alighieri and Boccaccio. In the first instance, it starts from the historical conception of the discipline and a brief vision of the most recognized authors (Schleiermacher, 2008; Heidegger, 1997; Ricoeur, 1997; Gadamer, 1998; Schökel, 1994; Beuchot, 2013) until arriving at the branch of literary hermeneutics named by Szondi (1975), to later explain how it is possible to identify the four hermeneutical senses
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Damián Aguirre Garza


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