Space and gastronomy in The Secret Sweets
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Cultural semiotics
Food polysemy
Gender roles
Juan Villoro

How to Cite

Herrera, M. S. (2024). Space and gastronomy in The Secret Sweets. Humanitas. Revista De Teoría, Crítica Y Estudios Literarios, 4(7), 32–56.


Abstract: In children's literature, food not only serves as a physiological aspect, but also denotes the bodily space of the characters with their respective behaviors. This paper shows the gender roles currently gestated, through gastronomy, in the text Las golosinas secretas, by the Mexican writer Juan Villoro.
The questions that guide this research are: what is the social image projected among the actors through food? How does food act as a catalyst to coexist in alternative spaces? How does magical realism allow the invisibility of gender roles from an early age? The methodology employed is qualitative descriptive, and a semiotic-cultural study is undertaken.
Within the theoretical underpinnings are Bautista Ramírez's (2014) magical realism, to address both terms (reality-magic) in children's storytelling; Lotman's (1996) semiotics of culture, to visualize the concept of memory; the borders-passages of Toporov (1983), to analyze the transit of the characters in these dimensions; the food polysemy of Vélez Jiménez (2013), to show the inequalities around the social and economic position of the actants through food; and time in Uspenski (2003), to reaffirm memory as part of a mission.
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