She writes, she is erased and rewritten: an analysis of autobiographical writing from archival literature in the novels Happening (2019) by Annie Ernaux and Liliana´s Invisible Summer (2021) by Cristina Rivera Garza
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escritura autobiográfica
literatura de archivo
literatura del yo
Cristina Rivera Garza
Annie Ernaux

How to Cite

Serna Moreno, A. S. (2024). She writes, she is erased and rewritten: an analysis of autobiographical writing from archival literature in the novels Happening (2019) by Annie Ernaux and Liliana´s Invisible Summer (2021) by Cristina Rivera Garza . Humanitas. Revista De Teoría, Crítica Y Estudios Literarios, 4(7), 207–218.


The present research analyzes the elements that construct archival literature (diaries, letters, official documents, etc.) as part of the literary discourse and aesthetic resource of autobiographical literature in the novels The Event (2019) by Annie Ernaux and The Invincible Summer of Liliana (2021) by Cristina Rivera Garza. In both works, the critical apparatus proposed by Roberto González Echeverría is applied, which consists of the perception of the archive as a body of historical record that connects the past with the anecdotal present of each of the two novels. Furthermore, the relevance of this study lies in the theoretical approaches to writing and autobiographical literature, not only at the national level, but also at the international level, because in 2022 the works of Ernaux and Rivera Garza were awarded recognitions that They frame the literature of the 21st century.
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Ernaux, Annie. (2019). El acontecimiento. Tusquets Editores. González Echevarría, Roberto. (2011). Mito y archivo. Una teoría de la narrativa latinoamericana. Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Lambertucci, Constanza. (2022). Rivera Garza responde al cuestionamiento de Felipe Garrido: Tenemos que verlas a ellas, no a sus asesinos. El país.

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Molero de la Iglesia, Alicia. (2022). Autoficción y enunciación autobiográfica. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica.

Rivera Garza, Cristina. (2021). El invencible verano de Liliana. Penguin Random House.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Angeles Stefanya Serna Moreno


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