Reality and Fiction in Verano by Carmen Villoro
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Realidad – ficción – idea de mundo – Verano – Carmen Villoro

How to Cite

Vergara, G. (2024). Reality and Fiction in Verano by Carmen Villoro. Humanitas. Revista De Teoría, Crítica Y Estudios Literarios, 3(6), 174–194.


In this article we will analyze the reality represented in children's and youth literature, specifically in Verano, by Carmen Villoro. We start from Geog Lukács' theoretical concepts related to the theory of reflex and the notion of reality in literary art, to review aspects of the sociocultural context, family problems and, in general, the idea of the world that emerges in the novel. In this way, we will enter into dialogue with the daily problems of the Hermosillo family, the confrontations of Ana and her siblings with the situations and the context that impacts them and, finally, we will see how the magical world of Manuntlán turns out to be a space of resilience.
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